While shopping in thrift stores fabric, not clothing style, is what usually catches my eye. Months ago I purchased a see through light blue shirt for 98 cents, brought it home, washed it and have restlessly moved it from room to room wondering why I purchased a translucent shirt that would fit in Molly Ringwald’s Pretty in Pink wardrobe. Not that I don’t like Pretty in Pink but at 37, I don’t think I can pull off the look. So after much thought and some inspiration from Anthropology I came up with an idea for a repurposed flower headband.
What you will need:
- 1/8 yard of Flouncy Fabric (such as chiffon)
- Sharp Scissors
- Straight Pins
- Sewing Needle
- Thread
- Medium to large sized button
- Headband
- Square of felt
- Glue Gun
- Download the Flouncy Flower pattern by clicking here. Print pattern out at 100%.
- Cut 12 flower petals using the flower petal pattern from the fabric. HINT: Since the fabric is thin you can cut out several at a time by layering the fabric.
Thread the needle using at least a foot of thread. Place needle close at hand for next step.
- Take a flower petal and fold it in half lengthwise (fig. 4A). Take the folded petal and fold it in half a second time (fig. 4B).
- Pick up the needle and thread and put a holding stitch at the bottom point of the folded petal (fig. 5).
- Repeat step four with a second flower petal.
- Stitch the second petal base to the first petal. HINT: I often run a second stitch through the petals to keep them in place, making it easier to attach the others (fig.7).
- Repeat steps six and seven. When stitching the remaining petals to the base attach them in a circular pattern around the original petal (fig. 8).
- After the last petal is attached knot off the thread to secure the petals in place and cut off the excess thread tale. The flower should look like fig. 9.
- Flatten out the flower and sew a button to the center of the flower (fig. 10).
- Cut out the a piece of felt using the backer pattern (fig. 11).
- Determine where you would like to place the flower on the headband. You can lightly mark this area with a wax pencil or sharpie if needed. Hot glue the flower to the backer MAKING SURE TO SANDWICH THE HEADBAND between the two.
- Now put on your headband and go out for a night on the town!