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COGS Steampunk Expo

Fire up your steam powered top hat and shine up your best pair of goggles…it’s time once again for the C.O.G.S. Steampunk Expo!! One of the most imaginative, musical, educational and unforgettable events on the east coast, C.O.G.S. will celebrate its 3rd year, now setting up shop at our new location; the APA Hotel in Woodbridge, New Jersey…easily accessible from mass transit, a short ride from Newark Airport and readily accessible from a number of highways with free parking for all.

Highlights of COGS 3 include:
Musicians around every corner
Amazing Costumers from across the country
Tabletop Gaming for every skill level
Themed Diners, Tea and Liquor tastings
CONTESTS with themes including Mad Science, Costume, Splendid Teapot Racing, and the NEW Pinewood Derby!
A Labyrinth of merchants selling everything from full costumes to slightly cursed objects
Panels on History, Literature, Alternate Realities, Magic in theory and practice, the restorative properties of Tea and so much more!

Spend the whole weekend with us! Rooms are going fast, so don’t wait! https://reservations.travelclick.com/96418?groupID=2724160

Tickets are on sale NOW – https://www.accelevents.com/e/cogsexpo2020

KIDS 12 and under may attend FREE of charge with an adult.

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