Pre-school Dexter

This past Sunday a friend and fellow Etsy-ian, Jill Popowich, went to a large thrift store to do a little shopping. While Jill was trying on $7 ball gowns I happened to look up and see rows and rows of plastic bags full of naked Barbie bodies and limbs.

Well the little goth girl that lives deep down inside was tickled. Furthermore, within the past six months I have become a fan of Dexter, the kinky and quirky Showtime series about a serial killer with homicidal tendencies hidden in an ordinary façade. Although the bagged dolls were slightly disturbing I found it darkly funny and a bit inspiring so I took out my camera and snapped off a few shots of the Dexter styled mutilated and bagged Barbies.

Since then I have been pondering going back to purchase a bag of dolls to add to my eclectic craft supply collection. So I did a little research to see if any fellow Esty crafters have used dolls and found some great finds that I believe even Tim Burton would be proud to call his own and thought I would share them:

Eccentric Pendant by G. Jarvis Jewelry

The Femme Fatale Hat by Krystle Tabujara (

The Dunahey Sisters Hairsticks by Lunch Lady Hair Net

*Special thanks to Lunch Lady Hair Net,
Krystle Tabujara and G. Jarvis Jewelry for letting me use their photograhy and feature their products.

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